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…………………………………… In the last weekend in May each year (the Spring Bank holiday) on the top of the very steep Cooper's Hill in Gloucester England, people gather with their seven pound (~3 kg) hunk of cheese to take part in the famous "Coopers Hill Cheese Rolling and Wake". The aim of the competition is to roll your cheese to the bottom of the hill with you following it any way you can. The cheese can travel at up to 30 miles per hour, with the participants at much the same speed. People get hurt, some pretty badly, and if you ever see this event you will understand why.

…………………………………… The first race in 1965 was only open to Army, Navy and American Marines, but now the competition is open to anyone. The competitors race in teams of six, plus one on the bed. Each team must provide their own bed, decorated in the theme for the year. The bed runs on four wheels, but also need to be able to float. The 3km run race begins and ends at Conyngham Hall. About halfway through the run, the teams face the one-in-five gradient climb to Castle Top before it’s back down the hill and toward the final challenge – crossing a river.

…………………………………… is a hybrid sport which was created in Australia during World War II when soldiers stationed there from the USA wanted to play football against the Australians. The name comes from the first four letters of Australia (AUST) and the initials of the United States (US). They used an American Football, which is designed better for throwing. The American tended to throw the ball while the Aussies kicked it, but the games were competitive and large crowds came to watch.

…………………………………… It is held annually in Adelaide, South Australia, the first event was in 1980. As in the Darwin event, boats of all shapes and sizes are made, with the only condition that they are made entirely out of milk cartons. The competition attracts hundreds of contestants and more than 50,000 spectators.

…………………………………… comes from the popular children's stories of Winnie the Pooh. Not only is the name a little unusual, so is the sport. It involves standing on a bridge and dropping your stick in the water, then racing to the other side to see who’s stick goes the fastest. Wow, what excitement.

……………………………………. Australian's love to watch and play sport, and a recent addition to the sporting calendar is this competition. This has to be something to put you to sleep! This new contest was held for the first time in 2006. The rules of this contest are quite simple - about 400 sheep will make a mad dash past ten competitors, who will try to count them accurately. 

……………………………………. With shoes off, the competitors face other toe-to-toe across the 'toedium', where they interlock their big toes and try to fight each other off the toedium (a lot like arm wrestling).

……………………………………. Each competitor gets a patch of ground and a certain amount of time to bring as many worms to the surface as they can. Competitors can use just about any method they wish, though be warned - the use of dishwashing detergent has been banned.  In this competition, each team gets a 3x3m plot and has 30 minutes to charm as many worms as they can.

……………………………………. is an un usual form of the game of football (Soccer), which is played in bogs or swamps. The sport originated in Finland, where apparently it was used as an exercise activity for athletes and soldiers, as playing on soft bog is very physically demanding. The first organized competition was held in 1998, when 13 teams gathered to play for the Finnish Championship. The event was the brainchild of Jyrki Väänänen nicknamed "The Swamp Baron". 

……………………………………... It is easy to see where they got the name for the sport of joggling - a combination of juggling and jogging. The rules for the sport are simple too - the competitors must maintain a juggling pattern whilst running, and if an object is dropped, the joggler must return and continue from the point where the object fell.


Milk Can Regatta, Toe Wrestling, Cheese Rolling, Swamp Football, Bed Racing, Sheep Counting, Austus, Worm Charming, The World Pooh Sticks Championships, Joggling
